60 Phase Diagrams | Congruent Melting Alloys



Peritectic Reaction - an overview

A peritectic reaction is a three-phase reaction by which, on cooling, two phases (one of them liquid) react to give a single new solid phase.

Phase diagrams 3 - peritectic reactions

The peritectic reaction involves a liquid phase and two solid phases, however in the peritectic reaction the composition of the liquid phase lies outside of ...

Eutectic, eutectoid, peritectoid, peritectic | PPT

Peritectic reaction The peritectic reaction also involves three solid in equilibrium, the transition is from a solid + liquid phase to a ...

Effect of Elements on Peritectic Reaction in Molten Steel Based on ...

The characteristics of the steel solidification in continuous casting, especially the peritectic reaction, have a considerable effect on the surface quality ...

The peritectic reaction

It is concluded that the peritectic reaction cannot occur at the peritectic temperature for thermodynamic reasons and does not occur in most peritectic systems ...

The peritectic reaction

Phase diagrams with a pertitectic reaction are those which have a reaction where a liquid and a solid transform to a different solid as it ...

[PDF] Peritectic Alloy Systems

As the peritectic reaction continues, the α layer gets thicker and the reaction slows down even more. Unless the cooling rate is very slow, a ...


Aperitecticreactionisathree-phasereactionbywhich,oncooling,twophases(oneofthemliquid)reacttogiveasinglenewsolidphase.,Theperitecticreactioninvolvesaliquidphaseandtwosolidphases,howeverintheperitecticreactionthecompositionoftheliquidphaseliesoutsideof ...,PeritecticreactionTheperitecticreactionalsoinvolvesthreesolidinequilibrium,thetransitionisfromasolid+liquidphasetoa ...,Thecharacteristicsoft...